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Puppies Application/Contract Requirement

Please contact us for our puppy application!!! Thank you!

All puppies our sold on the following contract and a description of family required.

Chihuahua Puppy Contract


On (Date)                          

Chihuahua Sold to:




Dogs Color:                                                        Sex:                                      Age:


Date of Birth:                                                                                                   Purchase Price:              

Limited or Full AKC:                Yes                  No


Limited Registration means that the dog is registered but no litters produced by that dog are eligible for registration. A dog registered with an AKC Limited Registration shall be ineligible to be entered in a breed competition in a licensed or member dog show. It is eligible, however, to be entered in any other licensed or member event. These events include: Obedience, Tracking, Field Trials, Hunting Tests, Herding, Lure Coursing, Agility and Earth dog.


Puppies that are given Limited Registration are to be spayed or Neutered between six and eight months of age. The buyer is to understand that this dog is NOT intended for breeding. AKC papers will be provide once the new owner has provided proof of spay/neuter from a licensed vet.


Full AKC rights allows the owner to enter in any breed competition in a licensed or member dog show as well as compete in events including: Obedience, Tracking, Field Trials, Hunting Tests, Herding, Lure Coursing, Agility and Earth dog. There are no guarantees on show potential or size of the dog.


To the best of the Breeder’s knowledge you have purchased a healthy puppy and was provide with a shot record of current shots given and shots that will be required at the buyer’s expense. NO GUARENTEES AND PUPPY IS SOLD AS IS.


There is no guarantee of temperament, fertility, show quality, size, coat quality, hips, patellas, color, bite, ears, molera, testicles, hernias, calcium drops, hypoglycemia, allergies or skin problems.


Breeder has provided this puppy with the best possible care, grooming, and socialization, so s/he is off to a good start. Buyer agrees to provide this puppy with proper housebreaking, ongoing socialization, and basic manners training, and to provide good quality food and ongoing care. Puppy training classes are highly recommended, not only as a way of preventing behavior problems, but as a means of developing good communication between dog and owner.  


Both the buyer and the seller have read the above contract and understand and agree to all conditions stated in the contract. This contract is legal and binding. If the buyer breaches any part of this Contract, the breeder is released from any obligation under this Contract and the entire Contract will be rendered Void. 




I have read and understood all the information stated in the contract.

SIGNATURE (buyer):                                                                                                 Date:



PRINTED NAME:                                                                                                      Date:




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